Affiliate Program Information

This website generates revenue through affiliate links to products and services offered by third parties. In accordance with FTC guidelines concerning endorsements and our commitment to transparency, we provide notice of affiliate links where applicable on this website.

We only affiliate with products and services that we wholeheartedly endorse for their outstanding quality and/or value. Our recommendations are never influenced by the sole desire to earn commissions from affiliate sales.

While we are highly discerning when it comes to promoting third-party products and services on this website, it is your responsibility to exercise judgment in assessing the suitability of any program, product, or service for your needs. By using this website, you accept all associated risks and acknowledge that the owners of this website bear no liability for any third-party programs, products, or services that are promoted, marketed, shared, or sold here.

Affiliate & Referral Programs

Tech Addressed participates in the following affiliate and referral programs programs at this time:

Akamai (formerly Linode)

Akamai (Linode)

New customers receive a $100 credit for 60 days of Akamai cloud services when using our affiliate program link. After 60 days, once you spend $25 we earn $25.



The Amazon Affiliate program allows us to earn commissions by linking to products in their marketplace, allowing you to support us while you shop.



ameriDroid’s affiliate program allows us to earn commissions by linking to single board computers and related products products sold through their store.

DigitalOcean logo


Using our affiliate link with DigitalOcean gives new customers a $200 credit for 60 days to try their cloud services. Afterward, we earn $25 when you spend $25.



DreamHost offers a variety of hosting services. New customer referrals earn us between $15 and $200 depending on services chosen and billing cycle.

hetzner logo


When you use our referral for Hetzner’s cloud services, new customers receive a €20 credit. After you’ve spent €10 with Hetzner, we receive a €10 commission.



Namecheap offers a number of services – we recommend their domain name services. Referrals for domain registrations & transfers earns us a 20% commission.



pCloud is a Switzerland based privacy focused cloud storage provider. We earn a 20% commission on recurring and lifetime payments on referrals.



Referrals to Proton’s suite of privacy / security focused services pays out between 20% to 100% depending on the user’s chosen services and payment terms.



Switzerland based VyprVPN earns us a $30 commission on referrals for new 1-year VPN subscriptions and $10 for new monthly VPN subscriptions.

Required Notices

As part of compliance with these affiliate / referral programs, we are required to publish the following notices.

Amazon Affiliates

This website participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Under the conditions of the Amazon Associates Program Operating Agreement, we are required to state the following:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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